Wednesday, January 1, 2014

36th Broadcast; December 9th, 2013

Artist - Song Name - Source/Album

KPA State Merited Choir - The Broad Expanse of Taehongdan - YouTube
KPA State Merited Choir - Our Leader Smiles Brightly - YouTube
KPA State Merited Choir - Our Leader - YouTube

KPA State Merited Choir - The Day When the General Came To Our Outpost - YouTube
Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble - Ongheya of Songun Victory - YouTube
Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble - Longing For The General - YouTube

Unknown Singer - Sat Tee Touy - Cambodian Cassette Archives: Khmer Folk And Pop Music Vol.1

Hyon Song Wol - Force Sailors - YouTube
Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble - Thinking of My Mother - YouTube
Unhasu Orchestra - The Bell Rings - YouTube

Moranbong Band - Please, Let The Snow Fall - YouTube
KPA State Merited Choir - People's Liberation Army March - YouTube
Moranbong Band - Glorious and Admirable - YouTube
Mansudae Art Troupe - The Owners of the Revolution Are Our People - YouTube

Hisao Ito - Song of Cherry Blooms in the Same Year's Command Team - YouTube
Hisao ito - Dream to My Homeland at Dew Military Encampment - YouTube
Hisao Ito - Deepy Misted Riverside - YouTube

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