Tuesday, October 16, 2012

3rd Broadcast

 Great show on 10/16/12! Comrade Tron's mother called in this time, but no success in guessing the random anthem Lol.
Song Name - Artist - Source/Album

Behold the Fires of Songun! - Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble - YouTube
Sungri Jadul - Moranbong Band - YouTube
CNC Song - Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble - YouTube

Forward, Protecting the seas of Motherland - KPA Ensemble - YouTube
Youth and Courage - KPA Ensemble - YouTube
The Oath of the 7th Regiment - KPA Ensemble - YouTube

Glorious Soldiers - PLA Choir - YouTube
Guerrillas Song - PLA Choir = YouTube
The Great Proletarian Revolution is Just Good - PLA Choir - YouTube
Protect the Yellow River - PLA Choir - YouTube

Laotian National Anthem - YouTube
Tinh Viet Lao - Laotian and Vietnamese People's Band - YouTube
Laos and Vietnam Friendship - Laotion Band - YouTube

Heullari - Hwang Ryeo Sim and Kim Sol Hyang - YouTube
Song of the Sea - DPRK State Symphony Orchestra - YouTube
The General's Song - Moranbong Band - YouTube

Mongolian Throat Singing - The Plains of the Elite - YouTube
Tuluu Altai - Altai Kai - YouTube

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