Saturday, October 22, 2011

Commemoration of the Anniversary of the October Revolution (4th Broadcast)

Great broadcast today! Had a steady 12 listeners throughout the show.
Artist - Song Name - Album/Source

Misc. Choirs - L'Internationale - YouTube

Red Army Choir - The Red Cavalry - Red Army Choir: The Definitive Collection
Red Army Choir - Beyond the River, Hello - Red Army Choir: The Definitive Collection
Red Army Choir - On the Way - Red Army Choir - Red Army Choir: The Definitive Collection

Red Army Choir - March of the Defenders Of Moscow - YouTube
Red Army Choir - March of the Heroes of Stalingrad - YouTube
Red Army Choir - March of the Soldiers - YouTube

Soviet Red Army Choir - March of the Mortars - YouTube
Soviet Red Army Choir - The Rockets Are Always Ready - YouTube
Soviet Red Army Choir - Red Sailors March - YouTube

Soviet Red Army Choir - Workers Marseilles - YouTube
Soviet Red Army Choir - Arise Patriot - YouTube
Soviet Red Army Choir - Krasnaya Armee - YouTube

Estonian Choir - Estonian SSR anthem - YouTube

Unknown Russian soloist - The Cranes (Zuravli) - YouTube
Red Pioneers - Higher Rises our Campfires - YouTube
Young Guard - Young Guards Song - YouTube

Unknown Russian group - Korobushka - YouTube
Soviet Red Army Choir - Dyen Pobyedy (Victory Day) - YouTube
Soviet Red Army Choir - We Are the People's Army - YouTube

Soviet Choir/soloist - Lenin, In memory of the People - YouTube
Soviet Red Army Choir - Sacred War - YouTube

Soviet Red army Choir - Dark Eyes - YouTube

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