Monday, February 18, 2013

7th Broadcast

Comrades! Great show today! Had comrade intern Angela in the studio, played some Soviet underground music, had several callers in for random anthem, and a great news segment (1:45pm) for the DPRK's 3rd successful nuclear test! Today's date is Feb. 18th, 2013.

Song Name - Artist - Source/Album

Song of General Kim Jong-Il - Mansudae Art Troupe -YouTube
Hail the Worker's Party of Korea - KPA State Merited Choir - YouTube
Korea Does What it is Determined to do! - KPA State Merited Choir - YouTube

Horse Sleigh Runs Carrying Joy - Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble - YouTube
Convey Forever the Traces of Kim Jong-Il's Songun Leadership - KPA State Merited Choir - YouTube
The Day When the General Comes - Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble - YouTube

Long Live Generalissimo Kim Il Sung - KPA State Merited Choir - YouTube
March of Songun Victory - KPA State Merited Choir - YouTube
Long Live the Songun Revolution - KPA State Merited Choir - YouTube

Grenada National Anthem - YouTube

Gruppa Krovi - Kino - YouTube
Karakum - Kroog - YouTube
The Night - Mirage - YouTube

Guys From Moscow - YouTube
Don't Be Sad My Love - Nouzar Sharia - Songs of the Soviet Underground 
Schweine - Glukoza - YouTube

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