Saturday, March 17, 2012

16th Broadcast

Song Name - Artist - Source/album

Irish Anthem - Irish national orchestra - YouTube
Wait for the Soldier - Alexandrov Ensemble - YouTube
Za Dunaem - Soviet Red Army Choir - YouTube

She is a Discharged Soldier - Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble - YouTube
We Cannot Live Apart From His Bosom - Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble - YouTube
Flocks of Wild Geese Flying - Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble - YouTube

The Voice Calling Me - Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble - YouTube
Army and People Arirang - KPA Ensemble - YouTube
I am Joyful - Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble - YouTube

My Heart Sings - Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble - YouTube
Song of Women - Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble - YouTube
A Soldier's Diary - Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble - YouTube

If the Mother Party Wished - Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble - YouTube
The Mother's Statue on Osan hill - Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble - YouTube
Our Socialism is the Best in the World! - Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble - YouTube

USSR Anthem 1944-1955 - Russian Choir - YouTube
Vasya Vasilyok - Red Army Choir - YouTube
We Are Communists - Soviet Peoples Choir - YouTube

That's me and you - Soviet Pioneers - YouTube
May There Always Be Sunshine - Soviet Pioneers - YouTube
Pioneer March - Soviet Pioneers - YouTube

Song ABout the Motherland - Soviet Peoples Choir - YouTube

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