Monday, January 7, 2013

First Broadcast of Winter Quarter

Great first show of the Winter Quarter! Comrade Jackson LaRue came onto my show, since I found out hes right after my show from 3-4pm! Abra Abraham (fake name?) called in, and showed her love for the glorious tunes of Radio Internationale and the fun segment of Random Anthem :D Thanks for listening comrades! The date is Jan. 7th, 2013

Song Name - Artist - Source/Album

Towards a Better Future - KPA Ensemble - YouTube
Song of National Defense - KPA Ensemble - YouTube
Victory Road - KPA Ensemble - YouTube

I Know It Now - Unhasu Orchestra - YouTube
Our Beloved Leader - Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble - YouTube
The Party is the General's Embrace - Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble - YouTube

The Song of May Day - KPA Ensemble - YouTube
New Years - Unhasu National Orchestra and Choir - YouTube
Chollima on Wing - Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble - YouTube

Korea Does What it is Determined to Do! - KPA Ensemble - YouTube
Without a Break! - KPA Ensemble - YouTube
Training, Training, and More Training! - KPA Ensemble - YouTube
We Shall be the 7th regiment of Today! - KPA Ensemble - YouTube

Ardent Yearning - Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble - YouTube

Einen Jodler hi Gern - Franzl Lang - YouTube
Mei Vater is an Appenzeller - Franzl Lang - YouTube
Jodelexpress - Franzl Lang - YouTube

Amrica Lasna - Hezbollah - Anonymous
Ala Alardee - Al Qaeda - YouTube
Blasfar - Hezbollah - YouTube

Where are you, Kim Jong Il? - Unhasu National Orchestra and Choir - YouTube

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