Saturday, April 7, 2012

First Broadcast of Spring Quarter

Song Name - Artist - Source/Album

Road to Victory - KPA Ensemble - YouTube
We Shall Eternally Guard Our Fatherland's Seas! - KPA Ensemble - YouTube
Star of Chosun - KPA Ensemble - YouTube

If Chosun Is Determined To Do Something, It'll Do It! - KPA Ensemble - YouTube
Breath - Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble - YouTube
Song of Revolutionaries - KPA Ensemble - YouTube

March of Guerillas - KPA Ensemble - YouTube
Let's Defend Socialism - Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble - YouTube
Gungae Bareul Matchuja - KPA Ensemble - YouTube

Gimchikkakdugi Norae - Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble -YouTube
Pyongyang Noodles are the Best! - Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble - YouTube
Urban Girl Comes to Get Married - Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble - YouTube

Anthem of the Republic of Yemen - YouTube

Raname Bonghwa-Ttara Chong-Jingun Apeuro - KPA Ensemble
Generalissimo Kim Il Sung! - KPA Ensemble - YouTube
We wish to see our General! - KPA Ensemble

Don't cry, why do you cry? - Nahoona - Nahoona Best Disco Collection Disc
Track 04 - Nahoona - Nahoona Best Disco Collection Disc
Track 13 - Nahoona - Nahoona Best Disco Collection Disc

Himno Del 26 Julio - Cuba - YouTube
Hasta Siempre - Cuba - YouTube
La Bayamesa - Cuban Choir - YouTube

Internationale Rock Version - Tand Dynasty - YouTube

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