Song Name - Artist - Source/Album
Generalissimo Kim Il Sung! - KPA Ensemble - YouTube
Under The Banner of the Party - KPA Ensemble - YouTube
One Against a Hundred - KPA Ensemble - YouTube
Song of Kim Jong Eun - North Korean Children's Choir - YouTube
Song of Kim Jong Il - KPA Ensemble - YouTube
Song of Kim Il Sung - KPA Ensemble - YouTube
Ernst Thalmann Lied - Ernst Busch - YouTube
Solidaritatslied - Ernst Busch - YouTube
Vorwarts Bolschewik - Ernst Busch - YouTube
Dark Eyes - Russian Singers - YouTube
Our Locomotive, Next Stop, Communism! - Soviet People's Choir - YouTube
Sacred War - Soviet Red Army Choir - YouTube
AutoJodler - Franzl Lang - YouTube
Shutzenliesl - Franzl Lang - YouTube
Auf Und Auf Voll Lebenslust - Franzl Lang - YouTube
Mei Vater is an Appenzeller - Franzl Lang - YouTube
Libyan Anthem - YouTube
Hasta Siempre Che Guevara - SAR - YouTube
Venceremos - Salvador Allende Election - YouTube
A las Barricadas - Spanish Anarchists - YouTube
The Blue Sky of my Country - Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble - YouTube
Pyongyang Noodles Are the Best! - Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble - YouTube
Women Are Flowers - Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble - YouTube
USSR Anthem